Sunday 28 July 2013

Title: 'Recovery from Abuse'

Title: *ABUSE RECOVERY*Amen. 15c/Mm -- Visual Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

In life, experiencing abuse of any sort, can be somewhat devastating.
If you or someone you know needs recovery from abuse, 
here is a Prayer that can help.

Title: 'Recovery From Abuse'love struck
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ....
I hereby declare and affirm that,
I am loved. 

I am free of blame. 
I release anger. I am at peace. 
I live in harmony. I forgive myself.
I forgive all others. Good exists in all. 

God is in control. 
I am accepted. I accept others. 
I am positive. I am confident. 
I am whole. I am sufficient. 
I am free of guilt. I am free of shame.
I am free of blame. I am healed.
 My life is miracle. 
I am a miracle. 
And so it is.

For more inspirational messages, check out our other site here:-
  *Christians Victorious Fellowship - Int

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