Thursday 23 February 2012

Title: 'AURIC FIELD' - Paintings

Title: 'AURIC FIELD of Rev.Bola at Afternoon'

Title: 'AURIC FIELD of Rev.Bola at Evening'
The Auric Field, or aura, is the magnetic energy field surrounding a person, place or physical object.
Those with prophetic and clairevoyant abilities, often report seeing halos or light mists around a person or thing. They have been known to see the colours of people's magnetic fields known as auras.

It is now understood by many, that everything in the universe is energy, vibrating at different frequency. These frequencies can also be depicted visually in terms of colour. Each colour representing a particular quality or characteristic relating to that person, object or place. It is indeed possible to view by psychic means the Auric field of an animate thing, for instance a human, animal or plant; and also of inanimate objects such as places, furniture, equipment. From such observation one can determine to a degree the state or condition of that person or thing like their state of health, and how they are emotionally, or mentally. As people change, so too do their auric fields.

Above are graphic representations I channelled, of my own personal aura (one's own is often not the easiest to do for reasons of objectivity). But I offer mine here as an example of what can be 'seen' and depicted.Can you guess what each of the colours might mean, including the way in which they are combined? What do they tell you about my condition at that time? You are welcome to leave your responses in the comment box.

Love and Light

Tuesday 14 February 2012

'AFRICAN MANDALAS' Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

Title:'AFRICAN MANDALA 71' - Feb14/G.Oils (From Set) by Rev.Bola

Title: 'AFRICAN MANDALA 70' - Feb14 /F.Oils (From Set) by Rev.Bola

Positive Affirmations
I am grounded in love and certainty. I am secure and stable.
 I communicate freely and easily with everyone.