Monday 10 October 2011

'IBEJI' Artwork

Title: 'IBEJI' Poet 12 /C.Pencil - (From Set) by Rev.Bola A.

Title: 'IBEJI Poet 4 /Mix Media (From Set) - by Rev.Bola A.

'PROGRESS' - Praying Art (Set)

Title: 'PROGRESS' /C .Pencil (From Set) -  by Rev.Bola

Title:'PROGRESS' /Oil (From Set) - by Rev.Bola

Title: 'PROGRESS' /Acrylic (From Set) by Rev.Bola

Sunday 2 October 2011

'CASH' Set : Free Prayer Art (by Rev.Bola)

Title: 'CASH' (Oils)/ From Set by Rev.Bola A.

Title: 'CASH'/(Imp) -From Set by Rev.Bola A.

Wealth Affirmations
You are blessed with abundance. You are rich. You are exceedingly wealthy.
You always have plenty of money. You manage money well. You invest wisely.
You are generous, and share your wealth. You are happy with all that you have. Amen.
Love x Rev.Bola

Saturday 1 October 2011

'DOLPHIN FAMILY - Set' Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

            Title: 'DOLPHIN FRIENDS' - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola (C.Pencils)

       Title: 'DOLPHIN FRIENDS - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola (Impressionist)